Upin & Ipin Wiki

Pocket Ipin is a mobile game made by LC Games Development for iPhone, iPod touch and iPad. You can do the actions on Ipin.

How To Do[]

Idle 1: Ipin says 'Hi!'.

Idle 2: Ipin yawns.

Jump: Drag him up with your finger or thumb.

Poke: Slide him with your finger or thumb to make him laugh.

Nudge back and forth: Shake your phone or slide with your finger.

Sit: Slide him down with your finger or thumb.

Tumble: Slide randomly with your finger or thumb.

Press the star button for other actions.

Smell: Hear him saying 'Mmm... sedapnya bau!'.

Information: Hear him saying 'Hah! Betul, betul!'.

Eat: Ipin takes out a drumstick chicken, then eats it whole and keeps behind him.

Press the question mark button for menu.

Play: Returns to screen.

Switch backgrounds: Press on the button to change backgrounds.

Music On and Off: Press to on or off the theme music.

Instructions: Press to read how to do.

Info: Information about Ipin.


  • Pocket Ipin is based off Happy Tree Friends Smoochies.